How To Stay Active With A Busy Schedule

This post is sponsored by CBDMEDIC but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Staying Disciplined

I have been on a continuous journey of really being active in the gym. Last month I completely fell off so getting back on track has required much more discipline. I think we all have those moments where we are so consistent and full of discipline, but life happens and we tend to fall off a bit.  But this is a new month and I’m determined to get back on track. I personally love to work out during the morning time! I’ve tried to schedule my workouts during the afternoon but found myself prone to procrastinate. 

Being able to get moving during the morning time allows me to just do it. Plus it really sets the tone for my day. I’ve noticed that whenever I slack I don’t have as much mental clarity as I would love to have and I tend to procrastinate on the other things that waver on my to-do list. I’ve vowed that I would make a daily commitment to myself to take care of my body even if it seems like a huge commitment.

How To Relieve Sore Muscles

One of the things that I’ve noticed is that whenever I take a break from exercising, I always experience some kind of muscle pain. Normally when this happens I will either take a few days off to give my body some rest or I will resort to my 30 minute stretching routine. I recently discoveredCBDMEDIC Active Sport™ Pain Relief” Lately, I have been really into CBD products so trying the CBDMEDIC Active Sport™ Pain Relief was a no brainer for me!  I picked up the  Deep Muscle Rub and Solid Sport Stick because I love that it’s so convenient and doesn’t require you to use a tube. It’s perfect to pack with you when you are traveling.  CBDMEDIC Active Sport™ is made with natural ingredients and is  THC-free, safe and legal CBD hemp oilSome of the ingredients in  CBDMEDIC Active Sport™ you may be familiar with such as   Tea Tree Oil, Peppermint Oil, Jojoba Seed Oil, Eucalyptus oil and more. The CBDMEDIC Active Sport™ was created to provide pain relief and increase blood circulation. 

You can apply the product before, during or after your workout, I personally use it after a  workout or as needed.

Tips To Consistently Be Active

Here are some of my tips to help you be more active! I know having a busy schedule can often slow us down, but with the right strategies, you can definitely do it.

  • Make a mental commitment - being more active is definitely a mental commitment. Once you commit yourself mentally, it will be much easier to do it, because you have set the intention.

  • Go at your own pace- I use to be discouraged whenever I saw others working out 5 days a week. I tried my hardest to keep up but I realized that that wasn’t right for me. So I had to 

  • Do not be hard on yourself if you fall off. Simply pick back up where you left off and keep going!

You can purchase the CBDMEDIC Active Sport™ at CVS  you can also find the other CBD MEDIC products as well such as   Back/Neck  Pain Relief & Arthritis Pain Relief


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