I Spent 30 Days Journaling My Outfits Here is What I Learned About My Style and Myself

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After giving birth, I didn't feel confident in my body. None of my clothes fit like they used to, and I felt like everything I wore accentuated the parts of me that I was self-conscious about. I hid behind sweatpants and oversized clothes, and I didn't like to leave the house much because I felt embarrassed about my body and compared myself to other women who seemed to "bounce back" much more easily than I did.

During this time I looked back on some of the styling methods that I have used with my clients. I remembered a challenge that I used to run for my clients. It was a 7-day style audit challenge, designed to help people take a closer look at their current style habits and identify areas for improvement. When I launched my membership program, I knew that this challenge was something I wanted all new members to experience before diving into the rest of the content.

During the 7 day style audit challenge, members were asked to take a hard look at their wardrobe choices and style habits for a full week. They tracked what they wore, how they felt in their outfits, and what areas of their style they wanted to work on. By the end of the challenge, members had a clearer understanding of their personal style, as well as a roadmap for how to improve it.

That’s when I got the idea to implement this challenge to help me get out of a style rut. So I decided to journal my outfits for 30 days. Was I consistent? Nope, during this time I was struggling with postpartum depression and grieving the loss of my grandfather. It was such a challenging time. So some days I just couldn't get dressed. But when I did I made sure to snap a picture and journal about it.

Through outfit journaling, I was able to see my body in a new light. I learned what clothing items looked good on me, even in my postpartum body, and I discovered that I could feel stylish and put-together even when I was wearing comfortable clothes. Outfit journaling helped me find the confidence to wear clothes that made me feel good, even if they didn't fit into the traditional mold of what is considered "flattering."

Outfit journaling may seem like a small thing, but for me, it was a powerful tool in my journey toward self-love and acceptance.

The Daily Style Journal

For the next 30 days, this isn’t just a journal; it's your style therapist.

What Is Outfit Journaling?

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Outfit journaling is the practice of documenting your daily outfits in a journal or notebook. It involves taking photos of your outfits, writing down details about what you're wearing, and reflecting on how you feel in each outfit.

The goal of outfit journaling is to develop a better understanding of your personal style and how you present yourself to the world. By tracking your outfits over time, you can start to identify patterns in your clothing choices, figure out what works best for your body type and lifestyle, and gain more confidence in your personal style.

Outfit journaling can also be a fun and creative way to express yourself through fashion. You can experiment with new outfit combinations, try out different trends, and showcase your favorite pieces in your journal.

Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or just starting to explore your personal style, outfit journaling can help you cultivate a more meaningful relationship with your wardrobe and ultimately feel more confident and radiant in your daily life.

Why You Should Begin Outfit Journaling Immediately

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Outfit journaling can bring a multitude of benefits that go beyond just tracking your fashion progress or understanding your personal style.

 From boosting self-confidence to finding joy in the simple act of getting dressed, outfit journaling can be a transformative experience. For me, it became the highlight of my day - a source of excitement and motivation to put together an outfit that really reflected my mood and personality.

Here are a few more reasons why you should start outfit journaling.

Keeps track of your personal style

Taking pictures of your outfits every day is a great way to keep track of your personal style. By looking at your photos, you can see what clothes you wear most often, what colors you prefer, and what styles you gravitate towards. You can also identify any gaps in your wardrobe and plan future purchases accordingly. With a record of your outfits, you can easily remember what you wore on a specific occasion, which can be helpful for events such as weddings, interviews, or other important meetings.

Helps you find new outfit combinations

Another benefit of taking pictures of your outfits everyday is that it can help you find new outfit combinations. By looking at your photos, you can see which clothes go well together and which ones don't. You can experiment with different accessories, shoes, and jackets to create new looks that you may not have thought of before. This can be especially useful when you're feeling uninspired or in a style rut.

Builds confidence in your fashion choices

Taking pictures of your outfits every day can also help build confidence in your fashion choices. By seeing yourself in different outfits, you can get a better idea of what looks good on you and what doesn't. You can also see how certain clothes fit your body shape and accentuate your best features. This can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your clothes, which can have a positive impact on your self-esteem and overall well-being.

Encourages creativity

Taking pictures of your outfits every day can also encourage creativity. By experimenting with different clothes, accessories, and colors, you can express your creativity and have fun with fashion. You can try out new trends, mix and match different patterns, and create unique outfits that reflect your personality. This can help you develop your personal style and make fashion a more enjoyable and fulfilling part of your life.

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Helps you pack for trips

Taking pictures of your outfits everyday can also be helpful when packing for trips. By looking at your photos, you can see what clothes you wear most often and what outfits you feel most comfortable in. This can help you pack more efficiently and avoid overpacking. You can also plan outfits in advance and make sure you have everything you need for different activities and events.

Provides inspiration for others

Taking pictures of your outfits everyday can also provide inspiration for others. By sharing your photos on social media or fashion blogs, you can inspire others to try new styles and experiment with fashion. You can also connect with other fashion enthusiasts and learn from their style tips and advice. This can be a great way to build a community around fashion and express your creativity in a supportive and positive environment.

Helps you appreciate your clothes

Taking pictures of your outfits everyday can also help you appreciate your clothes more. By seeing yourself in different outfits, you can appreciate the details of your clothes and the effort you put into choosing them. You can also appreciate the versatility of certain pieces and how they can be worn in different ways. This can help you develop a deeper appreciation for fashion and the role it plays in our lives.

How To Start Outfit Journaling

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To start outfit journaling, you don't need any fancy or expensive tools. Here are some basic items you will need to begin:

  1. A camera or smartphone: You will need a device to take photos of your outfits. A smartphone camera works great for this purpose.

  2. A notebook or journal: You will need a place to write down outfit details such as the date, occasion, and any notes about the outfit.

  3. Pen or pencil: To write down your outfit details in your notebook or journal.

  4. Optional: The Daily Style Journal or a similar outfit journaling tool can be helpful for keeping track of your outfits, outfit prompts, and other useful features.

With these simple tools, you will be well-equipped to start your outfit journaling journey and begin tracking your daily outfits

Get a journal or notebook:

 The first step to outfit journaling is to have a dedicated notebook or journal where you can document your outfits. You can use any type of notebook that you prefer, whether it's a fancy journal or a simple spiral-bound notebook. Make sure that the notebook is easy to carry around with you, so you can document your outfits wherever you go.

A camera or smartphone:  

The next step is to start taking pictures of your outfits. You can use your phone or a camera to take pictures of your outfit each day. Make sure that the pictures are clear and show the details of your outfit. You can also take pictures of your accessories, shoes, and other details that you want to remember.

Get Creative With Stickers:

Outfit journaling doesn't have to be just about jotting down outfit details in a plain notebook with a simple pen or pencil. Adding a splash of color and creativity can make the experience more enjoyable and fun. Using colorful pens or markers can add a pop of personality to your journal entries. You can even take it a step further by adding stickers or washi tape that match the color pen you choose to use. This not only makes your journal more aesthetically pleasing but also helps you stay organized and easily find specific outfits or details.

Using a pen is a great choice if you want your writing to be bold and stand out on the page. It allows for smoother and faster writing, which can be helpful when you're in a rush in the morning. Plus, using a pen ensures that your writing won't smudge or fade over time. If you're someone who prefers a more minimalistic approach, a classic black pen may be your go-to. But, if you're feeling adventurous, you can experiment with different colors and shades to match your outfit of the day or your mood.

Incorporating colorful pens and stickers into your outfit journal can make it more enjoyable to write in and add some personality to your daily routine. Don't be afraid to play with different pen colors and styles or add some fun stickers to express yourself even more. 

Optional: The Daily Style Journal

I highly recommend checking out The Daily Style Journal or a similar outfit journaling tool. Not only does it make the process of outfit journaling easier and more organized, but it also provides a lot of useful features.

One of the benefits of using a pre-made outfit journal is that everything is already written out for you - all you have to do is fill in the prompts, snap a picture, and add it to your journal. This can be incredibly helpful for those who are new to outfit journaling.

Additionally, The Daily Style Journal or a similar tool typically includes outfit prompts, shopping lists, and other features that can help you stay on track with your fashion goals and keep your outfits fresh and exciting.

Closet Reflection: Outfit Journal Prompts to Help You Discover Your Personal Style

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If you don't have The Daily Style Journal but want to start outfit journaling right away, there are plenty of journal prompts you can use to get started. Here are some ideas:

Here is some outfit journal prompts to try:

  • What inspired your outfit today? Was it a specific piece of clothing or an event you were attending?

  • How do you feel about this outfit? Do you feel confident and comfortable, or self-conscious and uneasy?

  • Would you wear this outfit again if yes why, If no why not

  • Is there a clothing item or style you've been curious about but haven't tried yet? Use today's outfit to experiment with that style.

  • What's one thing you wish you could change about your outfit today? How could you improve it in the future?

These are just a few ideas to get you started. The key is to find prompts that work for you and your personal style and to make outfit journaling a fun and enjoyable experience.

How to Take the Perfect Outfit Photos for Your Fashion Journal: Tips and Tricks for Capturing Your Style

When you're taking pictures of your outfits and journaling them, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Here are some tips:

  1. Lighting: The lighting in your photos can make a big difference in how your outfit looks. Try to take pictures in natural light, such as near a window or outside. Avoid using flash, which can wash out colors and create unflattering shadows.

  2. Angle: The angle at which you take your photos can also affect how your outfit looks. Experiment with different angles, such as straight-on, from above, or from the side. This can help you capture different details of your outfit and create interesting compositions.

  3. Focus: Make sure that your photos are in focus and show the details of your outfit clearly. If you're using a phone camera, tap on the screen to focus on the area that you want to highlight.

  4. Full-length shots: It's important to take full-length shots of your outfit so that you can see how everything looks together. You can also take close-up shots of details like jewelry, shoes, or bags.

  5. Background: The background of your photos can also affect how your outfit looks. Try to choose a background that complements your outfit, such as a neutral wall or a colorful mural. Avoid busy or cluttered backgrounds that can distract from your outfit.

What Type OfJournal To Use For Your Outfit  Planning

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The Daily Style Journal is a fantastic tool for anyone who wants to take their outfit journaling to the next level. With daily outfit prompts, a shopping list, and space to insert your pictures, this journal makes it easy and fun to document your personal style and track your progress over time.

One of the standout features of The Daily Style Journal is its daily outfit prompts. These prompts can help you think creatively about your outfits and encourage you to try new looks and styles. Each prompt is designed to be versatile and can be adapted to suit your personal style and the occasion. For example, one prompt might be to "mix patterns and textures," while another might be to "wear something you haven't worn in six months." By following these prompts, you'll be able to experiment with different styles and discover new looks that you love.

Another great feature of The Daily Style Journal is its shopping list. This list can help you keep track of items that you want to add to your wardrobe, such as a statement piece or a basic staple. By keeping a list of what you want to purchase, you can avoid impulse buys and make more thoughtful purchases that will work well with your existing wardrobe.

The Daily Style Journal also provides ample space to insert your pictures. This is a great way to document your outfits visually and create a record of your personal style over time. By seeing your outfits in pictures, you can also get a better sense of what looks good on you and what doesn't, helping you make more informed choices when shopping or getting dressed.

Overall, The Daily Style Journal is a wonderful tool for anyone who wants to take their outfit journaling to the next level. With its daily outfit prompts, shopping list, and picture inserts, it makes it easy and fun to document your personal style and track your progress over time. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or simply want to become more confident in your fashion choices, The Daily Style Journal is a must-have tool.

Outfit journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-expression, and can help you gain a deeper understanding of your personal style and fashion goals. Whether you use a physical notebook, a digital app, or a pre-made journal like The Daily Style Journal, outfit journaling can be tailored to fit your individual needs and preferences.
Through my own personal experience with outfit journaling, I have discovered the benefits of tracking my daily outfits, analyzing my likes and dislikes, and gaining a newfound appreciation for my body and personal style. By incorporating outfit journaling into your daily routine, you too can experience these benefits and more.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab a notebook, a pen or color pens, and start journaling your outfits today. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or just looking to improve your personal style, outfit journaling is a fun and rewarding activity that can help you look and feel your best.

Sometimes we get stuck in a fashion rut, wearing the same outfits repeatedly. By documenting your daily outfits, you can see when you're starting to fall into a pattern or when you're in need of some fresh inspiration. Challenge yourself to incorporate lesser-worn items or experiment with new combinations, patterns, or textures. Not only will this keep things interesting, but it will also help you further develop your personal style.

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This blog was originally published July 25, 2022, and was updated March 22, 2023


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